Wright Family

Wright Family

Monday, June 25, 2012

Planning Ahead for Summer Travel

Eating Healthy While you Travel

One of the biggest challenges during my summer break is making sure that we are eating right during all of our summer travels. But the biggest key is to plan ahead and be prepared with eating options and to not over do it by over eating carbs or making unwise choices.  Here are some of my suggestions to stick to your healthy eating plan:

Mom's have always told their children that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and they were right.  After fasting all night long it is so very important to start your day with a energy packed meal.
  • Stay at a hotel that serves a full breakfast which includes items like eggs, sausage or bacon.  Skip the waffles, bagels, sweet rolls and choose health options.  Don't eat empty carbs.

  • Take along your favorite breakfast items such as a low-carb greek yogurt.  My favorite is "The Greek God's Traditional Plain Yogurt. It is rich, thick and creamy and only has 5g of net carbs per serving and 4g of protein..  I have found this brand at my local Kroger store.   Mix the yogurt with your favorite sweetener and some fresh berries.

  •  Take along low-carb protein bars.  My favorite is the Nature Valley Protein Bars.  This one comes in two different bars, peanut butter dark chocolate, and peanut, almond and dark chocolate.  It has a total of 9g of net carbs and 10g of protein.  I usually buy a big box of these from Sam's Club.

A mid-morning snack will keep you full until lunch.  Don't forget that every time you eat something that it should include protein.  This will help keep your metabolism up.
Don't forget to have that mid-afternoon snack too.  It is very important!

  • 1/4 cup of nuts - place a serving size in a snack bag and take it along with you.  If I take the whole container then I will want to eat more that the correct serving size.  

  • If I have not eaten a protein bar for breakfast, I might eat one for a snack.

  • Cheese stick is also another options for a quick snack.
Rudolph's BBQ Pork Rinds
  • Pork Rinds fill that need for a crunchy snack.  Rudolph's Bar-B-Que Pork Rinds are one of my favorites.  They are an inexpensive snack. It has 0g of carbs and 10g of protein.   I have found this brand at my local Wal-mart store.

Lunch and Dinner

  •  Before eating out at a particular restaurant check out the nutritional facts out on the web to know what are the healthy options to select at that restaurant.  

  • When eating out consider sharing a meal with someone instead of ordering your own entree.  Many time my husband and I will share a meat entree but we will both order a side salad and a low-carb vegetable option.  It is very satisfying.

  • Eating at a fast food restaurant can be very challenging.   Many time I will select the bun less option of a sandwich.  Yes, the person taking the order usually thinks I am crazy but they will do it.  I usually ask for extra lettuce and tomato to be added to my order.  Skip the fries because they are not worth the carbs!

  • Take your own sack lunch with your.  Pack your favorite sandwich wrap so that you can control your own ingredients on your sandwich.  Some of my favorite wraps are the Xtreme Wellness! High Fiber Low Carb Tortilla Wraps 5g Net Carbs per tortilla and  the Mission Low-Carb White Tortilla Wrap has 6g Net Carbs per tortilla.

KEY to success is being prepared and planning ahead.  It is worth it and you can have success in eating healthy while you travel.

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