Wright Family

Wright Family

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Does Your Talk Walk?

I've heard the phrase "Does your walk talk?" but I've had to live out does my talk walk!

One of the privileges of teaching in a Christian school is that I can incorporate Biblical Truths and Promises about God into my lessons. This week at school when I was teach the seasons and weather in my Spanish class, we talked about how the seasons are like the different experiences in our lives. God allows us to go through good times (summer), bad times (winter), growth (spring) and change (fall). Our response to these seasons in our lives is that we are to praise God at all times, no matter what season we were experiencing.

That same day...my talk had to walk. I experienced some difficulties that caused me to stop and praise God for. It wasn't easy. I didn't like it but it was my choice. I could wallow or I could praise. What was I going to do? Was my talk really going to be lived out in my own life? God delights in our obedience and even though times get tough, it is always best to praise HIM.

What a hard lesson I had to learn...I do want my talk to walk!

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