Wright Family

Wright Family

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


A teacher's job is never done. Some would say that a teacher has the best job around because of SUMMER VACATIONS. I would have to agree. I love my job. BUT summer is not just for vacations. A teacher's job is never done.

Today I spent the day working on curriculum mapping...a fancy way to tell where we are going and what we are going to do in my class this next year (for Algebra I). It's been a lot of hard work but it will be well worth it. This map will be my guide to see the whole picture of where I want to take my students over the next year.

I can't help but be reminded that I also have the best mapping guide for life, God's Word, the Bible. So many times I have been overwhelmed with everything going on in my life that I have forgotten that I have the best resource of all, our road map, God's Word. Too often I have found myself so busy that I haven't spent the time I need in His word and too many times I have become overwhelmed with guilt because I have not spent time with God. God is waiting for me. He desires to spend time with me. What am I waiting for?

So, it's time to put a priority to spending time with God and allow Him to teach me through His word. It's the best map I could have! How about you?

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