Life's journey sometimes does not seem like what we thought it would be. It is amazing to sit back and look at where life has brought our family over the past two years since my last post. There has been heartache, pain, sickness, struggles, joy, excitement, and accomplishments. It has been an adventure.
I have to take one day at a time. Looking at that day as a fresh start and looking at the opportunities that day will bring my family and I. Ultimately each day is a test of surrendering my plans and desires to what I allow God to do through me today. How will I look at others and reach out to them? How will I show love to my family and others today? Who do I need to release in forgiveness today? How can I make wise choices today that will impact my life and others?
As I start today I take a deep breathe and ask God to guide my steps as He walks with me. May your journey today be filled with dependence on God. That is my desire today. Even when those difficulties come may I see Him at work in the midst of it all.